Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Being Someone Else or Just Wishing for Something Else

Ana Banana

So Pinterest like other sites that my compadres are doing are sites that basically let you have "another" life. An example is one of my boards on Pinterest is a board full of things that I really like and wish I will have one day when I get married. If you want to check it out here is the site Wedding Wish List. Another example of having another identity exists in online dating or even on FaceBook. The internet has allowed for anyone to be anyone. Pinterest or any site can also be a place of giving someone hope. Hope for wanting something better for themselves or wanting to go somewhere. Other boards that I have are desserts, yummy recipes, places that I want to go to, outfits i wish i had, etc. All things that I hope to try or have or do. What do you guys think of these sites that allow other identities?


  1. Defenetly social media makes it easier for someone to create another identity, if it's either by creating someone they wish they were or simply we as spectators create our own idea of whom that person might be. For example online dating, we see a picture, we imagine this is the man/woman we have been waiting for, but when we go on our first date all you had hoped or created in your head is wrong, they are taller/shorter that you imagined. It's all about perception. Now, when it comes to having false identities and creating a fake profile, it's really hard to catch unless someone reports it, realizing that that is in fact a fake profile.

  2. I really like your wedding wish list on pintrest! It's definetely a very unique social networking site that lets you wish and dream to your hearts desire :)

    Sites like Facebook, Twitter, etc. that allow you to create identities is not necessarily a good thing. Yes, it does allow someone to create a fake profile, a person who they wish to be but it can only stay in that alternate universe. The real you is much better, and plus pretending to be someone you're not means lying and being dishonest. Plus murderers, and sociopaths and creepy people live for gaining information out of you and using it to their advantage on social networking sites.
