Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Bullied on Facebook, 13 year old gets a nose job
The Facebook Fight that Fractured my Face
Halifax teen speaks against Facebook bully, a man who pushed three girls to suicide
Teen Suicide Caused By Facebook Bullies

There are literally over 53 million hits when i typed "bullying on Facebook stories" into Google. These are just some of the websites i found about stories of young teens who were bullied through Facebook. Reading their stories brings me to tears. It's so sad to think how cruel and easy it is for people to be mean and hurtful over the internet. The phrase "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me" doesn't seem to be the case anymore. Yesterday, this came to my attention very clearly when my cousin (who is my age) wrote a status update about a girl named Lizzie. This is what she said: "When you see your ex talking to Lizzie ___ lol. A major downgrade." She got dozens of likes on it, and a lots of comments from other people regarding Lizzie as a major slut and how she's crazy and psycho and all these horrible things about her. It was like seeing bullying right in front of my eyes as more people kept commenting and it just got worse and worse. Later i saw that Lizzie had wrote on my cousin ex's wall saying she was unfriending him because she couldn't handle all the drama and all the mean things my cousin and her friends were saying about her. So i wrote a status saying, "Why do people tear each other down on Facebook? It isn't going to accomplish anything." I got a lot of positive feedback from my friends and support. "We need more love in this world" was what one of my guy friends said. I don't know if my cousin saw my status but when i checked this morning to see if it was still there, she had taken that status off. 

I CANNOT stand to see bullying from my own cousin or from anyone else! It's not right and it can REALLY hurt other people! Just seeing so many stories online about Facebook bullying can really show you how this Facebook world is an alternate reality within itself, and a place for anything to happen. Facebook isn't the only place where bullying occurs, but it is a negative aspect of any social networking site.

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