Confirming a friend request without even really knowing who they are can be a big mistake. So why do we accept their friend request? A lot of times we're comparing ourselves to other people on Facebook, thinking to ourselves, "That girl/guy has more friends than me, and more likes than me. I'm not as popular as she/he is." So to go along with the crowd, you accept every friend who wants to be friends with you. Now, although that is really nice of you to want to be so friendly and open, sometimes none of us really think about the consequences of that. The Internet can be a scary and dangerous place to make friends. I was really worried about my cousin when i saw her friend list....3,095 friends. There is no way someone can have that many friends, and she always was complaining about the creepy old guys she had commenting on her pictures. So why didn't she just delete them? Because she liked the attention. Sometimes we want to feel that we're sexy, hot, beautiful, and liked on Facebook. So being friends with EVERYONE can give you that. Lots of likes, comments, etc. But that comes with a price. Drama. And being friends with the wrong kind of person. The kind of person who could a pervert, stalker, bully, or even murderer. Now, not everyone says yes to every friend on Facebook, but a lot of teenagers do it. So be careful who you are friends with. Have you ever accepted a friend request that you regretted later? I want to hear your stories!
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