Monday, May 7, 2012

Pinterest Newbie? Here's some info for you!

So my name is Ana and as my other compadres (buddies) have said that we are doing this project on different sites/media that have been huge and for many people it's a huge part of their lives. People as myself, spend hours on the Internet entertaining themselves. Depending on their likes and interests they tend to spend it on certain websites. So my part in this project is to tell you guys about this site called Pinterest. In my own opinion, it's such an addicting site! Some people don't know of this site because like I said before it depends on the interest of the person they will know of certain sites. For instance, tumblr, I have little knowledge on this site but from what i have heard from my compadres is that its similar to pinterest. So because the rest of my compadres have found YouTube videos on the sites they are working on, I have also found a pretty funny YouTube video about pinterest :)
The guy who did this video, did a pretty good job explaining what Pinterest is all about. So if you are new to Pinterest, go ahead and watch the video to get a quick overview on what it is. But just in case you don't want to watch the video, I will give a quick overview.
Pinterest is a site where you can share photos/ideas in a pin board style. When you go to the site and you want to have your own boards you can either login with your facebook account or make your login with an email address. So the point of having being on Pinterest is to basically post "things" that interest you and show it to the world and just maybe someone else has the same interests as you do or vise-versa and you guys can follow each other. Also when you pin something on your boards you can share that picture/idea/thing on twitter and facebook if you would like to show your other circle of friends that don't have a Pinterest account. If you guys want to get an even better idea what and how Pinterest works you can check out my Pinterest boards and see what I'm into.  

Facebook has more than 900 million users as of April 2012. Crazy huh? I've decided i'm going to spend these next two weeks focusing on the negative aspects of Facebook, and the last 2 weeks about positive things about Facebook and how it's a wonderful example of an alternate universe. But first we're going negative here. Dark. Scary. EVIL! hahahaha! We are talking about....FACEBOOK ADDICTION! Now, don't freak out. It's totally normal to be addicted to Facebook and here are some ways you can know if you are according to thurs on Hub pages:

Symptoms of Facebook Addiction
Some symptoms of Facebook addiction are given below to help users in realizing whether they are really addicted to Facebook.
  • Users and their siblings communicate through Facebook wall and messages, even if they stay in same house.
  • Users check Facebook for updates and comments after every hour at their workstation or on their cell phone.
  • Users wake up in the morning, and log onto their Facebook account first.
  • Users’ Facebook wall is full of status updates, comments, and applications that they just used.
  • Users give priority to Facebook over their commitments in professional and personal life.
  • Users spend over an hour on Facebook at a stretch or in short episodes over regular intervals.
  • Users can not stop thinking about Facebook updates and comments when they are offline.
  • Users look forward to get home in the evening so that they can see what is happening in cyberspace. (on Facebook to be precise)
  • Users can not go for a day without using Facebook, and even this thought makes them go into sort of depression.
  • Users’ day ends with checking Facebook for that one last time bidding people 'good night' through their Facebook status update.
If users are facing any of these activities, then they are suffering from Facebook addiction disorder. Facebook addiction disorder contains the tendency to affect some serious problem of their mental health and social life. Therefore they need to throw away this habit as soon as possible.

It's amazing how just one site can affect your entire life. Your life literally becomes all about Facebook, facebook stalking, facebook games, facebook chatting, etc. How does this alternate reality affect YOUR life? 


After I posted a random video about twitter, I figured I should probably explain my part in all of this. Considering there is a good chance that random people stumbled across this site and have nothing to do so they are wondering what the hell is going on with this blog.

My name is Allyson usually go by Ally and in internet land I prefer allyjomac. Here we are 5 college students doing a final project about the wonderful realm of social networking. Each tackling a specific site, I decided on twitter. Why? Because, I have a twitter account. Duh. But more realistically I decided on this one because I am so interested in why it is so successful. Why did a simple site, where you tell potential stalkers where you are, what your doing, post pictures of everything going on around you, take of like a wildfire? I am going to dive in, as they say, and try my best to figure this out. To answer my own questions as well as others. So, if you have a question about this specific world, ask me, and I will get my sources to answer it for you (basically I will do the research that you, obviously, don't have the time to do on your own, and then get credit for it in a class. Awesome.)

 So, let's do this. Time to browse the internet with a purpose instead of aimlessly poking around on Facebook.... and Twitter..... and Tumblr..... and Pinterest..... and Skype.... damn, what did we do before all these sites?


Well since there was a Facebook I figured I would have to search for a Twitter song. Ladies and Gents, I was successful. This young man sings a wonderfully deep song about the beginning of the internet and how all you had to do was simply check your email once or twice a week. As we all know, that is not the case any more. We have to post about every single things happening to us. We have to be constantly connected, and twitter provides an outlet of our happenings. So my dear followers who may be reading this, enjoy yet another video of how we have been affected.