Monday, June 4, 2012
Ally: Final Twitter post.
Well readers, the time of posting has now come to an end. Some of the things I found out about Twitter and what it is used for surprised me and some of them just confirmed my opinions of it. Twitter is a way for people to kind of live through others. Live through their pictures, their posts of their wonderful lives. But Twitter doesn't end there. Twitter is used for advertising, for job searching, for company growth, and so much more. I didn't realize just how well used Twitter is. I always assumed it was just celebs showing off their lives and others just being witty or wishing that they were showing off their own lives. Seeing the sites where you can job search through Twitter or the last post about the different uses of Twitter, those were the things I came across that really surprised me. It is a whole different world. A world to be more of yourself, to improve yourself, and a world to live through others, if that's what you want. All in all doing this research and even just simply poking around sites and other searches more in-depth about Twitter than I have ever done really opened my eyes to how much of a different world it is. Although compared to or with Facebook, they are very different and you tell by the way people treat them, even simply by what they post on each site. I hope you enjoyed the information that you saw on here, not only about Twitter but all of the other sites talked about as well.
Last Pin
Ana Banana
Pinterest is my augmented reality and definitely for all
of those other pinners, even if they realize it or not. Pinterest is where I spend at least an hour or more each day looking at other pinners' boards and
repin the things that I love to my boards. Or when I'm normally just surfing the
web and I like something and want to share it with the world I make sure to pin
it. Pinterest is where my creativity grows and my plans grow on how I would like my wedding
or my future house to be. Pinterest is where someone can escape to and post all
of their dreams and goals, just like when you would do a goal/dream board in
school, where you would cut out things from magazines and make a collage out of
the pictures and words, Pinterest is exactly like that, except without all of
the mess of paper everywhere and the manual labor. Pinterest is where if you are
forgetful and need a recipe or anything else, this is where you can save all of
those great ideas so when you are ready to do it you can find it easily in your
boards. Now that this project has come to an end, I have enjoyed looking further
into what Pinterest is all about, and find out more about other pinners augmented realities.
Ally: More on the purpose of Twitter
As I asked my lovely followers on Twitter I continued to do some more research on why people use Twitter. One of my favorite answers, that I personally agree with was that it gives a sense of being able to express yourself better than through Facebook. Honestly not sure why this is. Maybe because of the lack of thousands of friends. Maybe because you don't have your whole life posted and people tagging you in their lives. Just more room to express yourself through words.
I did find another article that I found very interesting on the different uses of Twitter.
I did find another article that I found very interesting on the different uses of Twitter.
Sunday, June 3, 2012
Ally: Why Twitter?
Okay so I have been searching and searching, literally spending hours on why people use Twitter. First, I want to answer the question, myself....
Personally I use Twitter because it is cleaner than Facebook. Facebook seems to be more of a drama filled, high-school like, space. And I don't like that aspect of it. I like that Twitter is clean. You can only use 140 characters and to keep peoples attention you have got to be witty, be a celeb, or post interesting photos. At least to keep my attention you have got to do at least one of those three. But this is just my personal opinion.
Here is an article that a guy actually asked some people and got responses. I did the same and so far have gotten similar answers. If any stand out then I will post them on here. For now, read through this article, it seems to have everyone's ideas on why Twitter.
Personally I use Twitter because it is cleaner than Facebook. Facebook seems to be more of a drama filled, high-school like, space. And I don't like that aspect of it. I like that Twitter is clean. You can only use 140 characters and to keep peoples attention you have got to be witty, be a celeb, or post interesting photos. At least to keep my attention you have got to do at least one of those three. But this is just my personal opinion.
Here is an article that a guy actually asked some people and got responses. I did the same and so far have gotten similar answers. If any stand out then I will post them on here. For now, read through this article, it seems to have everyone's ideas on why Twitter.
Megan: Tumblr Summary
Tumblr is, in fact, an augmented reality. People may not know it but they treat it as such.
Without making too broad a generalization, it has become clear that most people use tumblr to get away from the flaws and faults in reality. They surround themselves with things they enjoy and submerge themselves into discussion that often never leaves the bloggersphere/ tumblrverse. They're trying to live a better life. How else could they make friends half-way across the world? How else could they give their voice anonymously in order to provide help or ask for it? Users have the opportunity to gain fame through graphic design, or through roleplaying, or through fanfiction. They have the choice to personalize the way their blog looks, and they can decide what exactly goes on the blog and the dashboard. This they cannot do in real life; they cannot always be around people who understand them or their interests; they may not have the means to gain fame; they cannot completely alter the way they appear or what they see. Tumblr means freedom.
But this freedom seems to be limited to those between the ages of 14 and 25. Where do those younger and older find their freedom? Do the middle-aged have an augmented reality for this? Or, since augmented realities in the form of technology are recent, will it become generational and there will be different ARs for different generations?
At the end of the day, one fact cannot be avoided: blogs are more powerful than you think.
Without making too broad a generalization, it has become clear that most people use tumblr to get away from the flaws and faults in reality. They surround themselves with things they enjoy and submerge themselves into discussion that often never leaves the bloggersphere/ tumblrverse. They're trying to live a better life. How else could they make friends half-way across the world? How else could they give their voice anonymously in order to provide help or ask for it? Users have the opportunity to gain fame through graphic design, or through roleplaying, or through fanfiction. They have the choice to personalize the way their blog looks, and they can decide what exactly goes on the blog and the dashboard. This they cannot do in real life; they cannot always be around people who understand them or their interests; they may not have the means to gain fame; they cannot completely alter the way they appear or what they see. Tumblr means freedom.
But this freedom seems to be limited to those between the ages of 14 and 25. Where do those younger and older find their freedom? Do the middle-aged have an augmented reality for this? Or, since augmented realities in the form of technology are recent, will it become generational and there will be different ARs for different generations?
At the end of the day, one fact cannot be avoided: blogs are more powerful than you think.
Friday, June 1, 2012
Kastle: Last Post! Summary of what i learned :)
Facebook. An augmented reality in itself. A social network for a means of connecting with all your friends. Learning and researching all of the positive aspects (saving someone's life, keeping in touch with your faraway friends, etc.) and all the negative aspects (games, ads, tracking our every move, etc.) made me realize all of the information about this virtual realm that i was never aware of. If i had never done this project, i wouldn't be as cautious and aware as i am now of what goes on inside this website. Facebook affects our society more than i had ever imagined. It creates jobs, affects our economy, and everyone i know has their own profile through this website. I've learned many new things and the differing opinions of many people about this alternate universe including comments from my other group members. I've questioned, learned, realized, and informed other people about Facebook. I feel like I've made my other group members aware as well, and learned from their own social networks as well. This project has been a great experience for me!
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